26 Following


December 2019
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finished reading:
December 2019
started following:
October 2019
reviewed: The Cold War
Really good read, despite how much Gaddis loves Reagan.
The Cold War - John Lewis Gaddis
September 2019
reviewed: Still Life with Woodpecker
Read it in college, loved it. Re-read this year, it shows its age. It's like if Vonnegut cursed more and wrote tiny chapters.
Still Life with Woodpecker - Tom Robbins
August 2019
reviewed: The Good Soldier Švejk
Very long, but still pretty fun. Extra fun if you know old card games, Central European geography or WWI really well.
The Good Soldier Švejk - Cecil Parrott, Josef Lada, Jaroslav Hašek
July 2019
reviewed: The Anatomy of Fascism
Not very entertaining but very necessary and clear. I will probably continue to reach for this book over the years.
The Anatomy of Fascism - Robert O. Paxton
July 2019
reviewed: Heavy: An American Memoir
I can’t wait to re-read
Heavy: An American Memoir - Kiese Laymon
June 2019
reviewed: The Ways of White Folks
I enjoyed this collection, though some stories were a miss for me. I'm glad it wasn't too long though, it was not exactly an ...
The Ways of White Folks - Langston Hughes
May 2019
reviewed: Bicycle Diaries
I liked it a lot - I thought the organization was good. The way he writes about writing and language though was disappointing...
Bicycle Diaries - David Byrne
May 2019
reviewed: Portraits of Change
Not a bad advertisement for Khas Bank, but it was dry at times. The project didn’t go deep enough into the lives of the peopl...
Portraits of Change - Saha Dhevan Meyanathan
April 2019
reviewed: Everything Matters!
I re-read this book because I remembered really enjoying it. I still enjoyed it, just saw it a little differently, and at thi...
Everything Matters! - Ron Currie Jr.
February 2019
reviewed: The Bloody White Baron: The Extraordinary Story of the Russian Nobleman Who Became the Last Khan of Mongolia
The story of Baron von Ungern is wild - there are so many things in here that I had a hard time with believing that were the ...
The Bloody White Baron: The Extraordinary Story of the Russian Nobleman Who Became the Last Khan of Mongolia - James Palmer
January 2019
reviewed: Sky Shamans of Mongolia: Meetings with Remarkable Healers
I got this book as a gift, and other than the title I didn't know much about it. I thought it would be an objective, more ant...
Sky Shamans of Mongolia: Meetings with Remarkable Healers - Kevin Turner
December 2018
reviewed: Pedro and Me
The story was pretty good, though I personally didn't care for the art.
Pedro and Me - Judd Winick
December 2018
reviewed: A Lady Cyclist's Guide to Kashgar: A Novel
A nicely written story, but I was so disappointed about the lack of bicycle riding.
A Lady Cyclist's Guide to Kashgar: A Novel - Suzanne Joinson